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  • Susan Fletcher, Ph.D.

How to Simplify, Purge, Declutter, Defriend, and Refill

I don’t like clutter – physically, mentally and emotionally. It slows me down.

In the last month, I’ve been taking inventory, simplifying, purging, decluttering, and defriending (don’t worry – defriending is on facebook).

That has made way for refilling with what is good.

The reasons I’ve been in such a purging mode is because, in the last few months I’ve:

  • Lost some weight (not really on purpose, but I’m not complaining)

  • Brought on a new assistant, Deborah (don’t worry, Patty is alive and well and enjoying the freedom of starting her own business – she has not been defriended)

  • Strategically automated some of the systems in my business

  • Finished the content of my first online eCourse (more about that soon)

  • Taken a little time off for some R&R and time with my boys

So I’ve been clearing the way for what is really important in my business and in my personal life. We have to create space physically, emotionally and mentally so we can be intentional.

Here are 5 things you can do regularly to make room for what is most important to you.

1. Clean up your social media and electronic notifications. I regularly eliminate the pages I “like” on Facebook, unfriend on my newsfeed, turn off my email notifications and power down my electronics. It gets rid of the clutter. Power down folks. Intentionally be present in relationships, be influenced as much as possible by what you choose, and work to not suffer from FOMO – the Fear Of Missing Out.

2. Clean out your closets, drawers, refrigerators, and cars. If your physical space is cluttered, then your mental and emotional being will be influenced by the clutter. We are a product of our environment. If you want to increase your productivity and stabilize your mood, pay attention to your surroundings. Last November, I ramped up my workouts and started working out like a beast at OrangeTheory Plano. There are clothes in my closet that no longer fit that I would classify as clutter. At my office the transition from Patty to Deborah brought the opportunity to take inventory and purge. Getting rid of the relish and mayonnaise jars in the back of my refrigerator felt freeing. I’m no longer concerned if someone looks inside my car. Guess what folks . . . it’s the little things that make a difference. They add up.

3. Get a good night’s sleep. That’s crazy talk that sleep actually makes room for what is important to you but it is true. Sleep is one of the most important ways that your body restores itself. When people who see me in my private practice tell me that they don’t get enough sleep, I don’t let that fact slip by. We all benefit from good sleep hygiene and we need to value the importance of sleep. We tend to “sleep when we can” or “sleep when we are done”. How about sleeping because it is important? Good sleep hygiene means clean sheets, a comfortable room temperature, no electronics 2 hours before bed, a clean body, and purposeful preparation for sleep. For some doable tips on sleep hygiene, sleep hygiene.

When you skip sleep today, you are borrowing time from tomorrow. Dang!

4. Commit to action, not just intentions. You can tell character by what someone does rather than by what they say. That’s obvious when we are talking about someone else. But what about when you are talking about yourself? If you come to see me as a patient, you know I give homework. I don’t really care how busy you are or how much you have on your plate. The value of the money and the time you spend in my office is threatened by a lack of action on your part. The real therapy happens when you leave my office. It is what you DO because of having been in my office. Commit to action, not just intentions.

Finally, the biggest thing that has been influencing me is:

5. Learn something new outside of your usual. Read a biography about someone that interests you. Learn how to fix something on your own. Spend time with people that are not in your “circle”. Open yourself up to “different”. One of the things I have been doing a whole lot lately is trying new restaurants, traveling to different places, listening to podcasts . . . doing different. Doing different makes you think, keeps you alert, helps you focus, and it makes you better. Don’t you think?

Now go and simplify, purge, declutter, defriend, and refill.

Until next time,

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